• SolarteHealth program—Merlin Brown
• May 9 2014 AAPS at Marriot Hotel (MOM) Mpls.—Dave Racer
• Book—Dave Racer.
• Lee Beecher thanks award.
• Meeting places in the future.
1. Introduction of those present: Lee Beecher, President, Mike Ainslie, Don Gehrig, Dave Racer, Hannelore Habrucker, Bob Geist, Doug Smith. John Healy, Rick Morris, Merlin Brown and aide, Mr. Jury Zurich.
2. Minute of 1-16-14 reviewed
3. SolarteHealth program outlined by Merlin Brown MD. A program that would replace 3re party health care payments with a direct pay system combining banking (a special Visa debit card—good anywhere), point of service pricing and payments, and catastrophic coverage benefits. It would eliminate the high overhead involved with 3rd party claims administration and payments. He discussed the origin of the concept, the development of the necessary technology, the target markets, the trial with his own practice, and current fund raising to implement the program. There were many questions and much interest.
4. May 9 2014 AAPS at Marriot Hotel (MOM) Mpls by Dave Racer. Dave discussed at length the particulars of the Workshop program, marketing efforts, and projected program attendance.
4a. Book ideas. Dave discussed putting together a book about direct pay including papers from docs about their experiences, a small direct pay book for patients, website directory for direct pay docs, and consider workshops with CMS credits.
5. Quality measurement discussion by Rick Morris. Rick described his 3 year saga regarding asthma guidelines. The MCM Board sided with his critiques, but leaves the whole apparatus and future of P4P threat unchanged.
6. Dr. Lee Beecher was given a $ 300 gift certificate in thanks for his past role of being at the helm of MPPA and for the member’s gratitude for remaining at the helm of an organization to which he has brought such vigor and fruitful direction. Thanks, Lee! Bob Geist will forward to Lee the gift that resides on his desk. Bob was grateful that no one brought up senior moment problems, since he remembered where it was—i.e., the gift, not his desk.
7. MPPA future meeting place was discussed now that Dr. Beecher is retiring from practice. The members were asked to forward suggestions—send me your ideas.
8. Meeting adjourned at 8 PM—we’ll next meet at the May 9, 2014 AAPS Workshop.
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Geist
Secretary pro tem