MPPA is a 501c3 charitable organization
Donations are tax deductible- We do not contribute to any political activities.
- There are no dues and no staff.
- The only MPPA expense is our website, a documentation of its evolutionary history and Fellow activities, the reasons we meet, and its motivating spirit: “Empowering patients and physicians to make informed health care decisions.”
Please consider a donation
Although MPPA endeavors to keep its expenses to a minimum, contributions are greatly appreciated. Since MPPA is a 501(c)3 corporation, contributions are tax deductible.
Make checks payable to Minnesota Physician-Patient Alliance, and mail to:
Minnesota Physician-Patient Alliance
c/o Mr. Wayne Zuehlke
281 Sunflower Court
Vadnais Heights, MN 55127-6152
Please include both your mailing address and email address with you contribution.